Category: Health

  • This Is What Will Happen to Your Body, When You Drink a Cup of Milk with a Banana Every Night.

    There have been exciting recent reports suggesting that consuming milk and bananas together may offer numerous health benefits to the body. However, there are still some who remain open-minded and optimistic about this possibility. The combination of bananas and milk is not commonly recommended by authorities, but it’s good to explore other delicious and nutritious…

  • A Neurosurgeon Avoids these 7 Food for Better Brain Health

    In the quest for optimal health, we often talk about how diet affects everything from our weight to muscle mass, but what about the role nutrition plays in the health of our most complex organ-the brain? As the command center of the body, the brain is something we can’t afford to ignore when it comes…

  • Most Dangerous Drug in the World

    A dangerous drug is a substance that can cause harm or be abused if not used properly. Drugs are chemicals or substances that change the way our bodies work. 1. Alcohol Despite being freely available and legal in the majority of countries, alcohol remains one of the most destructive substances. Alcohol misuse causes three million…

  • Why you keep having red eyes

    It is the season of “red eyes”. There seems to be free distribution” of conjunctivitis (pink eye) which is commonly known as “Apolo” in Abuja and its environs in the past few weeks, with many people appearing in red eyes which is the common way of identifying the infection. Medical books noted that conjunctivitis (pink…

  • Six(6) effective Warning Signs That Indicate It’s Time to Deworm

    Keep an eye out for a few signs on your body to determine if you need to deworm. If you experience any of the following signs according to healthline, your body may require deworming: Worms in stool We hardly ever check our poop, even though we ought to. Live worms in your feces indicate that…

  • Where Ukraine’s army of amputees go to repair their lives[Photos]

    As Ukraine’s counter-offensive grinds on – with limited gains and no decisive breakthrough – the number of amputees in the country is soaring. There were 15,000 in the first half of this year alone, according to the Department of Health in Kyiv. The ministry won’t disclose how many are soldiers. The authorities guard casualty figures…

  • Japan population: One in 10 people now aged 80 or older

    For the first time ever, more than one in 10 people in Japan are now aged 80 or older. National data also shows 29.1% of the 125 million population is aged 65 or older- a record. Japan has one of the lowest birth-rates in the world and has long struggled with how to provide for…

  • See Exceptionally Fit Couple In Their 50s And 60s Who Still Workout Together Everyday

    Many people believe that couples who have something in common are more likely to have a successful relationship. This could be anything from shared hobbies to shared values. But what about shared health goals? Working out and staying fit can be challenging, but it’s much easier when you have a partner to support you. Having…

  • Signs Of Blood Shortage In The Body and Drinks That Enhance Blood Count

    Our blood is a vital component of our overall health, carrying oxygen, nutrients, and immune cells throughout our body. Maintaining healthy blood count is crucial for optimal well-being and functionality. However, sometimes our bodies can experience a shortage of blood, which may lead to various symptoms and complications. In this article which is in accordance…

  • 11 Reasons You Should Be Eating Snail

    Once treated as pests in the farmland and hunted massively by farmers due to the fact that they ate the leaves of produce, snails have now been found to be a delicacy both in the kitchen with numerous health as well as beauty benefits. Snails are actually highly nutritious meat which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant…

  • Driver hospitalised after crushing two siblings dead

    The driver of a Sports Utility Vehicle has crushed two siblings, Abibu Bello, 17, and his brother, Bolaji, 14, to death, and injured one other person on Iyewa Street, in the Isolo area of Lagos State.  Metro gathered that the female driver left a hairdressing salon in the community and was driving to a destination…